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At our clinic in Massachusetts, we help people going through mental health disorders, and no matter what you need, we’ll be here to help you on your recovery journey. When it comes to PTSD treatment Massachusetts, you can rest assured that we’ll be with you every step of the way. We understand the weight that traumatic events can carry with them, and we’re here to guide you in your healing process after such an event.

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a difficult thing to deal with, but at our clinic, we offer a comprehensive approach and a range of therapy options to help you – our goal is to ensure you find the option that works best for you, whatever it might be. Read on to learn more about what we can do, the relief we can offer, and how it all works.

Trauma PTSD treatment center
Heal from ptsd with Atlantic Behavioral Health
PTSD Group Therapy

Do You Qualify?

Our PTSD treatment program is designed to help as many people as possible in treating PTSD, but there are some qualifications you’ll need to meet before our compassionate professionals can assist you with your trauma treatment.

To admit to our IOP, you’ll need to give us a call today and speak with our admissions team. Each person will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine precisely whether or not they fit the criteria for our IOP.

IOP* Mental Health for PTSD

What Is PTSD?

Most people will have heard of PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder, but many won’t know what it is, what it means, or how it affects someone’s life and cognitive function. In essence, posttraumatic stress disorder is a mental health disorder that often comes about as the result of a profoundly distressing incident or experience. These traumatic events can encompass many things, from military combat and sexual abuse to domestic violence, natural disasters, or violent crime. The only common thread among these traumas is that they leave emotional scars behind, which causes many problems for anyone with PTSD. Some might turn to self-harm due to the trauma; others find that substance abuse is how they deal with things.

The impact of PTSD is huge, and it doesn’t pick and choose who it affects – it can damage people of all ages, from children to adults, from every background and walk of life. While some people might experience symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder right away, others might not get the signs that there’s an issue until weeks, months, or perhaps even years later. This is why a PTSD treatment center can be the ideal solution.

Why Does PTSD Happen?

Post traumatic stress disorder happens due to a number of factors that all come together to create this debilitating mental health disorder, and studies suggest that it’s a combination of psychological, biological, and environmental factors.

Of course, not everyone who goes through a traumatic event will go on to develop PTSD, and there are certain risk factors that make it more likely that someone will have to deal with this condition. These risk factors include a history of mental health issues, lack of a strong support system, or perhaps the severity of the trauma itself. These things can all mean that it’s more likely someone will develop PTSD and will need a PTSD treatment program and PTSD treatment center like Atlantic Behavioral Health to help them.

The Symptoms Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

There are many different PTSD symptoms, but some include intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, and severe anxiety. It can even lead to issues like borderline personality disorder and chronic pain. It’s clear that these things – and others – can make daily life more of a struggle than it ever needs to be, and it can affect your work, relationships, and overall well-being.

Adding to the problem is the fact that PTSD often comes alongside other mental health conditions, such as substance use disorders, anxiety disorders, dissociative disorders, and depressive disorders. This means that the diagnosis for posttraumatic stress disorder can be more difficult to get right, and the treatment program offered can be more complicated. However, with experts at hand like those at our intensive outpatient program, you can be sure you’re getting the right help and advice.

PTSD Treatment

It’s true that for those with PTSD, it’s a challenge to deal with it and all the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and behavioral health problems that come with it. However, there are treatments that can make all the difference, and it’s a question of speaking to mental health professionals to find out what will give you the most relief. Here are some of the potential options for those who need some more advice.

Cognitive processing therapy, or CPT, is hugely beneficial for many people when it comes to PTSD treatment and behavioral health. It works on the idea that traumatic experiences can change thinking patterns in a negative way, and that leads to distressing emotions and behaviors. So CPT is a therapy that helps people see this issue and take their thoughts to look at them in another way – from a more positive angle, in other words.

In most cases, it takes several regular therapy sessions at a good treatment center to start making headway using CPT. You’ll need to work with one of our trained therapists to get the most benefit, but many people can find relief using this method as they’re offered new coping skills and strategies that help them manage their PTSD symptoms in the right way.

Prolonged exposure therapy is one of the alternative methods of treatment for PTSD, and it works by confronting the memories of the traumatic event and the triggers that come with them. It’s not an easy route to take when it comes to PTSD treatment, but it is something people find useful, and it might be just the right thing for you. Patients gradually expose themselves to the memories of the trauma in a safe and controlled way with a therapist there to guide them, and the goal of this trauma therapy is to allow people to take control and use that to readjust their lives.

EMDR is another evidence-based therapy designed to address and alleviate PTSD symptoms from trauma. When someone takes part in an EMDR session, they go through bilateral stimulation, which means they have to look from one side to another, often following the therapist’s finger or watching a ball on a screen, for example. Interestingly, this type of stimulation seems to make the brain process distressing memories much more easily, making them a lot less concerning and removing some of the issues associated with PTSD symptoms. As a trauma treatment, this is a simple but effective idea.

For some people with PTSD, therapy that’s all about talking and listening just isn’t right for them when it comes to PTSD treatment; they need something else – perhaps something they can really focus on to relieve their trauma symptoms. That’s where trauma-sensitive yoga can be helpful. In this way, patients can use mindfulness and controlled physical movement to connect with their physical bodies and stop thinking about the traumatic event that’s caused their issues with PTSD. People can be more aware of their physical movements, their breathing, and the present moment, which means they won’t be continuously remembering the trauma they went through; this can obviously be a big help and a useful treatment for PTSD.

In some cases, medication can be the ideal solution for PTSD treatment, and medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or other antidepressants might be prescribed to help with this particular mental health condition and the memories of the trauma.

It’s important to remember that medication alone usually won’t be the most helpful PTSD treatment and that many treatment plans will offer a number of different ideas to run alongside medication, such as therapy.

There are many forms of treatment program ideas for PTSD, but something that many people find relief from is group therapy. This idea brings people with PTSD together in a supportive environment where they can share experiences of trauma and offer one another advice and insights about this and other mental health issues. This therapy can occur in a treatment center or separately, but professional help should always be at hand to guide people through the session.

Why Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) Help PTSD Treatment

When it comes to addressing PTSD, there is one thing that stands out – intensive outpatient programs. This is something we’re proud to offer, and this kind of treatment program comes with various benefits.

Tailored Treatment Plans

One of the most useful things about IOPs is that they come with individualized care as standard. That’s because every person’s ability to deal with PTSD is unique, which means their treatment program must also be unique. We’ll consider everything, including the nature of the trauma, other co-occurring disorders like substance abuse, the severity of the symptoms, and so on, to create an ideal treatment plan that gives our patients the most help. Our psychiatric professionals know precisely what to look for and what questions to ask to ensure the right PTSD treatment is in place.

Flexible Nature

This type of PTSD treatment can fit into everyday life, which is why our intensive treatment program is an excellent choice, thanks to its flexible nature. When it comes to the treatment of PTSD, there are many treatment services on offer, and you’ll be able to create your own schedule that includes all the different help you need, from being on a PTSD treatment program, to addiction treatment, to help with dissociative identity disorder, and more. You’ll be able to go home at the end of the day or session and be with your loved ones, which is the ideal way to get the most out of any PTSD treatment program – you’ll get support for your trauma and anxiety no matter where you look. You can even opt for partial hospitalization if that seems appropriate – the typical length of a stay will vary.

Visit Our Trauma Treatment Center Today

Reclaiming your life from PTSD isn’t easy, but left untreated, things can get much worse. That’s why it’s wise to contact us as soon as possible for help with your daily functioning and to get the right treatment for PTSD for you. Our effective treatment methods can make all the difference to your symptoms, including anxiety, and past trauma no longer needs to be a factor in your life; your long-term recovery can start today. Contact us now for the help and treatment for PTSD that you need.

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