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Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) can have a huge impact on a person’s mental health in a positive way – it’s a versatile and exciting way for experts to offer treatment services to their patients, ensuring they get the very best care possible at all times, no matter what might be troubling them. At Atlantic Behavioral Health, our team of dedicated mental health professionals is committed to providing compassionate care and helping you or your loved ones get well once more. Dialectical behavior therapy could be the ideal solution for overwhelming emotions and gambling addiction, for example, and it’s certainly an option that’s worth looking into. With that in mind, let’s find out more about what it can do and how we can help. Read on to find out more.

What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a highly regarded and impressive evidence-based treatment that was originally developed to help those who had borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, soon enough, it was found that dialectical behavior therapy had plenty of other positive effects, too, and it could be an effective treatment for a broad range of different mental health issues including anxiety, depression, gambling addiction, etc. Today, dialectical behavior therapy is seen as an important, and perhaps even essential, way to help people with issues that could include self-harm.

Key Components Of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) includes a huge number of different therapeutic techniques and skills, which are all aimed at helping people with their various mental health issues, including mood disorders and personality disorders. Here are some of the components that make dialectical behavior therapy so worthwhile.

Emotion Regulation

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) allows people to gain control over their emotions through motivational interviewing, helping them to get past challenges that would otherwise include overwhelming emotions. These could be mood swings, eating disorders, or perhaps even substance abuse issues. By giving patients the information and tools they need to practice their emotion regulation, dialectical behavior therapy equips people with the control they’re looking for.

Distress Tolerance

Stress is a big issue right now, and it’s highly likely that most people suffer from it at least a little. Unfortunately, some people suffer a lot, and that’s something that a dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) program can help with. DBT skills training includes showing people how to deal with stressful situations without having to resort to harmful behaviors, such as self-injury or substance abuse. This means they’ll be healthier in the long-term as well as in the present; it might have been originally developed for one condition, but it’s a vital component in many people’s mental health programs, resulting in much more self-acceptance.

Interpersonal Effectiveness

Healthy relationships are crucial if you want self-acceptance, good mental health, and stable well-being, and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) means you can improve your communication skills, enhance your interpersonal effectiveness, and create healthier connections all around. This is particularly useful for those dealing with personality disorders and anyone who wants to improve their social skills.


Mindfulness can be a crucial element of any dialectical behavior therapy program, but it’s not always easy to do, which is why professionals in a treatment center will be there to help guide young adults and others who need this specific kind of help. Being mindful means being in the present moment and not thinking about – or worrying about – the past or the future. This can lower stress levels dramatically, and since dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is all about regulating emotional responses and being calm and challenging negative thoughts, it makes sense that mindfulness can ensure patients are in the right frame of mind for their treatment to work.

Would you like to learn more about DBT?

Whether you need dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for healing, well-being, specifically mental health problems, or anything else, we can help you. Contact us today to start your journey towards a better life and do all the things you want to do.

Improve your mental health with dialectical behavior therapy
What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Why Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy Important?

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is seen as extremely important when it comes to mental health treatment modalities, and it can be exactly what those dealing with mental health problems need. Here’s why:

Evidence-Based Excellence

Dialectical behavior therapy has been studied for a long time, and it’s proven time and again to be an evidence-based treatment program for a wide range of mental health conditions, including borderline personality disorder. Whether you’re facing post traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, or a co-occurring disorder, dialectical behavior therapy gives you a strong framework for effective treatment and self-acceptance, which includes distress tolerance.

For Different Age Groups

Another reason why dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is used so often and with such positive results is that it’s available for all age groups, from young adults to older adults who might never have considered any form of treatment program before. Everyone can learn skills they’ll need for better self-acceptance and case management.

Skills For The Real World

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) doesn’t just teach people how to deal with emotion regulation in a theoretical way, but it also helps them with skills training for the real world, ensuring they can be involved in social situations, have better interpersonal effectiveness, have more self-acceptance, and integrate these new skills into their daily lives.

Who Can Benefit From Dialectical Behavioral Therapy?

The adaptability of a dialectical behavior therapy program means that it can be used by many different kinds of people from all walks of life who are dealing with various mental health treatment needs. Here are some of the people who might benefit most from dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

Growing up is never easy, and going from being a child to an adult is something that some people find difficult to cope with on an emotional level, especially when it comes to self-acceptance. However, with dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), young adults can get the essential life skills coaching they need for emotional regulation techniques and success.

When mental health problems happen at the same time as one another, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) can be the ideal solution because it addresses the complexities of this issue (which is not always easy to get to the bottom of), giving people practical solutions to work with when it comes to mental illness.

Dialectical behavior therapy is still such a highly regarded way to treat people with mental health issues that it is often used with those who have a personality disorder however that might present itself.

Treatment Options That Incorporate Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

There are many reasons to use dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for getting help and gaining self-acceptance, but the fact that it can be incorporated into different treatment options certainly raises its profile – here are just some examples of those treatments so you can see how versatile DBT is.

Group Therapy

Group therapy provides a truly supporting environment in a friendly setting where people can learn and practice dialectical behavioral therapy skills coaching alongside people who understand what they’re going through and who can offer real, practical advice for distress tolerance and more. This sense of community is vital for many people and can make all the difference to their mental health treatment goals.

Individual Therapy

Individual counseling offers a one-to-one, uniquely personalized approach to dialectical behavior therapy treatment. This is where mental health professionals tailor the therapy to address their clients’ own challenges and life goals, ensuring they get the results they’re looking for, whatever they might be.

Family Therapy

In family therapy, loved ones are included in the treatment process, and in working out treatment goals, this way of working and counseling can regulate emotions and make the recovery process much easier for all involved. Family members can improve their communication skills to understand more about the patient’s issues and be a support system when needed – this family involvement can be especially beneficial if the patient chooses an intensive outpatient program to help them through their issues.

In-Home Treatment (via Telehealth)

For those who need additional support or who can’t get to traditional therapy sessions, having treatment at home brings the DBT skills required to their doorstep, making it a lot more accessible than ever before and highly effective because of this.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy can work very well with a dialectical behavior therapy program. Cognitive behavioral therapy works by identifying and then changing negative thoughts and ideas, and with dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) working on emotional regulation and distress tolerance at the same time, the patient can ensure every part of their mental health is taken care of.

Medication Management

In some cases, medication can be a useful complement to dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) because it can help with specific symptoms. With someone professional to help manage medication, everyone can stay safe and positive.

Learn self-acceptance with Atlantic Behavioral Health

Do You Qualify For Intensive Outpatient Program With Atlantic Behavioral Health?

Intensive outpatient servicess can help many people manage emotions and have the right level of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), but they’re not for everyone. Although the answer to the question of whether or not you qualify for this kind of assistance is possibly yes, there are some criteria to tick off before we can admit you to one of our excellent Massachusetts locations.

Firstly, you’ll need to get in touch with us today to confirm you are suitable for our program.  

We're Here To Help

Whether you need dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for healing, well-being, specifically mental health problems, or anything else, we can help you. Contact us today to start your journey towards a better life and do all the things you want to do.

Break free from your past harmful behaviors and negative thought patterns and start a new chapter with Atlantic Behavioral Health by your side.

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